邮件主题:Chinese people all over the world 64 memorial day justice activities
Your excellency President (prime minister, prime minister, chairman, etc.),
Today is tiananmen massacre memorial day, we Chinese strongly request your government to the Chinese communist party poisoning loss, Hong Kong atrocities strict accountability, compensation, sanctions and blow!
The tiananmen “64” massacre 31 years ago was one of the most heinous crimes committed by the communist dictatorship in its 71-year history. We Chinese in all countries themselves and their relatives, were and are victims of the communist party’s tyranny. On this “64” anniversary, we strongly condemn the “Nazi” regime of the communist party of China for harming the people of the mainland, destroying the rule of law in Hong Kong and invading the world with the development of the virus! We Chinese in all countries, love the host country’s society and people, strongly request the government to the communist party of China virus loss, Hong Kong atrocities to make strict accountability, claims, sanctions and strike!
With great respect!
Sincere: X,X,X
美国笔会(Pen America) 5月27日在线上举办了一场“团结起来反对仇恨:团结日”活动(United Against Hate: A Statement of Solidarity),长达6个多小时的活动邀请了众多作家、记者、活动家等各界人士,以研讨会、诗歌朗诵会等形式表达对亚裔和亚太裔美国人的支持,并探讨如何在当下的语境中抗击歧视与仇恨。
美国众议院昨日通过《2020年维吾尔人权政策法案》(Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2020),先前参议院亦于本月中旬以一致同意的方式加速通过。据悉,该法案经过参众两院通过后,将递交美国总统川普签署后即生效,总统川普有十天的时间考虑签署或提出反对,若总统什么都不做,法案将会在十天后自动生效。
声明表示,各国政府采取防疫抗疫措施时,必须确保符合国际人权法规。声明希望措施不应超越合理保护公共健康的范围,而且要有时间限制。声明强调,任何侵犯大众隐私或其它自由权益的措施都必须符合《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》(International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights)和《世界人权宣言》的规定。